I finished up the last two figures I was working on yesterday. This finished all my pre-move frostgrave stuff. My projects until I move will be limited to stuff that is small and easy to do or Space Marines that need to get done.
Now I am getting started on some of my bday present. Pictures of some of them later this week. The only hints I will give is that they are very small and not a system you guys have seen on here before.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
Life has been crazy and any hobby time I have had I have spent getting ready to move. Though I have started taking pictures for the missing tabs. Hopefully things will settle down this week so I can finish off the last two models on my desk. Then I can pack the rest of it away and focus on the rest of my stuff over the next few weeks.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Painting Table #24 2016
The next update was delayed mainly due to a large 3 day holiday here that I am just finishing up. In other news posts will be erratic probably from mid November through mid December as I will be moving again.
In hobby news I finished of all but two of the models I was working on and figuried out something to do with that rock piece.
Now out of the 11 models, the 3 men are set for their tasks in frostgrave. And so are two or three of the ladies. But most of them are equipped in such a way that they could be more than one. Im looking forward to finishing the last two and trying to get some more back log cleared before the move. I hope to be able to pull off at least another 50 models before I have to packing everything up.
In hobby news I finished of all but two of the models I was working on and figuried out something to do with that rock piece.
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Added some yellow flower like things to make some blocking terrain. |
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Sorry for the blurry pic. A archer elf/hobbit thing. A dwarf woman with axe and a female apprentice. |
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apprentice and two other ladies |
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wizard, lady and something like half orc |
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Think it was a man at arms and another lady |
2016 challenges,
painting table saturday
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Painting Table #23 2016
Sorry for the long gap but weather and life have been in the way. I managed to construct and painted 11 treasure tokens, a cauldron from the Lich knickstarter and a random scatter piece I haven't decide what to do with yet.
Next up, will be a mass of female characters for frostgrave/mordheim. Looking forward to finishing all these off and then working on my spacemarines.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Painting Table #22 2016
A good week. A lot of changes to the blog organization to streamline it some and a lot of pictures taken to start updating sections.
On the painting front. I finished off 4 more models. 1 was a straggler for the warband I had made. The other 3 are goblin hero's for things in the future. I also finished off the 4 planters. Then I also painted a test model for all the books for treasure tokens.
On the painting front. I finished off 4 more models. 1 was a straggler for the warband I had made. The other 3 are goblin hero's for things in the future. I also finished off the 4 planters. Then I also painted a test model for all the books for treasure tokens.
That is all for this week. Going to continue working on random models and taking pictures. Then I am going to work on space marines I think.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
General post
To be completely honest. Over the past couple months with all the problems posting I have actually lost track of any spending and models I have painted. I know I am missing some painted models from the most recent total but can't remember for the life of me what. Honestly, I am not the worried about it and think I may just stop keeping track of both all together. I will continue posting but I think I will finally shift my focus from record keeping to just sharing everything I can. I feel this may be a better use of my available hobby time and such.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Painting Table # 21 2016
This update is a huge one after my absence. I managed to rebuild my computer this past week so I can actually post again without all the problems. I had been doing it on one phone no problem but then that one was lost. The next phone never really worked right and was finally smashed by my youngest when my wife tried to take it. My newest phone I haven't tried but it at least takes pictures. I also had a vacation mixed in which was all kid focused due to it being summer vacation. I should now be able to resume a more normal schedule.
First off, I painted and sealed up these four walls for use in many games.
First off, I painted and sealed up these four walls for use in many games.
Then, I did all 20 of the frostgrave cultists models and a wizard and apprentice.
I also painted this lizard type model that I think I will use as a wizard or apprentice beast master.
Following up on that I painted this building I found sitting around.
Finally, I made a bunch of books of different sizes and a few scrolls to use for treasure tokens.
I am looking forward to getting back on track since I have really missed this aspect of the hobby. My next project is a few goblin characters from Mantic to use in frostgrave/mordheim and a bunch more of the heroins in sensible shoes kickstarter minis.
Anyway more as I get it done.
2016 challenges,
scrath building,
Monday, July 11, 2016
Painting Table #20 2016
This past week saw me paint and flock the hills. Then do a huge varnish spree on all the terrain. I also made some planters and walls. Learned that 3mm plasticard is a huge pain to cut. Finally, I also started base coating the frostgrave stuff on the desk. More as I get it done.

2016 challenges,
painting table saturday,
scrath building,
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Painting Table #19 2016
Hello everyone. My computer is well and truly dead this time so you will have to bear with me on this format for now.

My epic stuff is available at 450usd minus the emperor Titan. Hoping to put it towards a new rig.
This week I finished of chompy and worked on varnishing terrain. I also started working on my first tree and made 3 hills.
My epic stuff is available at 450usd minus the emperor Titan. Hoping to put it towards a new rig.
More as I get it done
2016 challenges,
For Sale,
scrath building,
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Painting Table #18 2016
Not sure if you will be able to see this since I'm posting from a new phone since the old phone and computer died.
This week I finished off the 5 buildings, rock wall and fountain you saw last week. Then I flocked them all. I also managed some priming before the weather turned. Got about half the built models done. This week I have been painting a frost wraith, 4 dogs/wolves and the dreamer with Lord chompy. Everything but chompy are done. Attached are a few photos, sorry for the overall quality of this post.
Finally I spent 30$ getting the last of the needed stuff for my sisters warband.
More as I can.
2016 challenges,
painting table saturday,
scrath building,
Friday, June 17, 2016
Painting Table #17 2016
So this week was very productive but I am writing this post quick to update before I run out the door. This first batch of pictures is all the terrain I have been working on or finished this week. I finished two small buildings, 1 big building, 6 smaller scatter rock outcrops/walls and 1 large outcrop/wall. Then I started preparing all the other small buildings and 1 larger building I have. This is all a bunch of temp frostgrave/mordheim, this is not a test and whatever else I can think of terrain.

Then we have the 20 marines that I am planing on using mainly as sergeants and such for my marines.
Finally I have been doing one thing I didn't remember to take pictures of. I have started messing with making wire trees. I will show a post this coming up week with my progress. I am still working on figuring out how to do the wires. Besides finishing off my buildings, I would like to get a bunch of preparation work done for the coming months when I can not airbrush due to weather.
More as I get it done,
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Painting Table #16 2016
Nothing finished off this week but here are a few work in progress shots.
This first one show a small selection of the terrain that is being base coated for frostgrave/mordheim. Me and my oldest worked on them this week.
This first one show a small selection of the terrain that is being base coated for frostgrave/mordheim. Me and my oldest worked on them this week.
When not doing that with my oldest I continued on the details for these 20 marines. Which being old metal sterguard models means there is a lot to paint. I hope to finish that off in the next few days and then move on to the touch up work.
I did however spend a good chunk of cash, $79 . I restocked on a bunch of paints and such and also splashed out for the next frostgrave book and some of the gnolls. Wasn't originally going to get the models but I love the look of the gnolls.
More as I get it done,
2016 challenges,
Space Marines
Friday, June 3, 2016
Painting Table # 15 2016
So straight to business. I painted the Ogres and the Forge Fathers. I still need bases for the Ogres but don't have any handy. That is however 17 more models finished.
Then I went on a assembling spree with all the frost grave minis and Oathsworn ones. Which means my sort of staging box is all filled up again. I hope to get these primed soon so I can work on the during the summer. When it is to hot/humid to do any airbrushing.
Then I went on a assembling spree with all the frost grave minis and Oathsworn ones. Which means my sort of staging box is all filled up again. I hope to get these primed soon so I can work on the during the summer. When it is to hot/humid to do any airbrushing.
Finaly, I started on a huge batch of marines. So far they are all based, primed and have some of the black details done. These are all technically old metal sternguard. I am actually using them as command units mainly for all my different squads, if I remember right.
Well that is what has been going on since the computer died. Wish it was more but work was also brutal the past month. More as I get it done.
2016 challenges,
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Back in the Saddle
My computer, after many set backs, is up and running as of about an hour ago. So I will be doing a big post Friday or Saturday my time with everything I can thing of that I have done or am working on.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Site update
I have been MIA due to my computer killing itself about a week and a half ago. I am still painting but updating via my phone is time consuming and ugly. As soon as the computer is fixed I will do a proper update. Over a are done forge fathers have been started and assembling of other stuff is being done. More as soon as I can.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Painting Table #14 2016
The past few days has been productive. I started by finishing off the building I thought was finished already (so it will not be counted this year). Then I started transfering/saving some gw paints. One of the purchases in the past week or so was 50 15mm dropper bottles for like 9 dollars with shipping. I have transfered 10 or so paints so far.
Finaly, I started blocking in colors on the ogers. So far I have only done about 2 colors a guy. I hope to have time to finish them off this next week.
In other news, I realized that one of my posts earlier this week pushed me over the 400 post mark. Amazed in myself for still doing this and equally amazed that people actually look at it. Anyway that is all for now.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Painting Table #13 2016
In my rush the other day to document I left a few things out. First, my next 2 projects are these forge fathers and ogres I have had floating around for a year plus. I am also reworking a building that had formally been marked as complete. I realized I missed a large part of it when I went to coat it.
I also left out another $18.26 in spending and the 10 models from the This is not a test kickstarter and the first two Malifaux models. The Dreamer and Lord Chompy which I have always wanted to paint.
More as I get it done.
I also left out another $18.26 in spending and the 10 models from the This is not a test kickstarter and the first two Malifaux models. The Dreamer and Lord Chompy which I have always wanted to paint.
More as I get it done.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Painting Table #12 2016
This week was quite good. I finished off all 14 of the plague models and thus finished off the deadzone box set along with the few extra guys I had laying around.
I also finalized my kickstarter spending for This is not a Test. I also picked up a bunch of new nick knacks for painting and such. I did also pick up a metal set of goblin heroes for future use from mantic. The total set back from all of this was $131.18. It kills a large chunk of my budget for the year. But on the other hand it gets me a bunch of stuff I wanted to get anyway. The rest of the budget will probably be spent of flushing out the frostgrave stuff and maybe a pet project.
Anyway more as I get it done.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Painting Table #11 2016
Let me start by apologizing for the silence. I have been struggling. The following picture explains it all.
Basically I have been using this guy as the test model. At the time this photo was taken he had been stripped 3 times and by the time you see this post he will be stripped again. I have been struggling to get the effect I want. I have made a tiny bit of progress on the other guys but most of the effort has gone into trying to get what I wanted to work right.
Now here is what I have learned through this giant mess.
First, I have been using inks and washes wrong for years. I totally misunderstood what was for what and have actually been using them the opposite of how they should be used. As in I have been using washes like inks and inks like washes. It also seems that what I actually need to try and due to make my models work the way I want is probably trying to make the ink I have into a glaze. I think. So more as I get it done.
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