Here is a quick guide for my space marine chapters paint job. I will get into their background and there name in another post.
As with my other painting tutorial, most of the paints used are the old gw ones. As I run out I replace them with colors from the vallejo game color range.
Space marines/characters, terminators, etc.
They are all assembled without arms and weapons in most cases. In some cases without their backpacks as well.
Step 1: Base coated with Vallejo grey primer
Step 2: Base color of GW's scab red
Step 3: Wash the model in Gw's Leviathan Purple
Step 4: Paint details (staps, belts, etc) in gw's Chaos black
Step 5: Shoulder edges, eyes and some random detailing/armor done in Gw's Burnished gold
Step 6: Guns are done in the same order as miniatures
Step 7: Power weapons are painted as follows
Step 7-1: On grey primer Gw's tentacle pink is used
Step 7-2: then gw's Leviathan purple is used to taste
Step 7-3: Handles are painted using Gw's chaos black and burnished gold
Step 8: Base the model
the rhino were assembled with all but the pieces that close up the top (the doors and whatever the turret things are called). They were painted separately.
Step 1: Base coated with Vallejo grey primer
Step 2: Base color of GW's scab red
Step 3: Wash the model in Gw's Leviathan Purple
Side view |
Step 4: Paint details and panels on the tank in gw's Chaos black
Step 5: Other random details done in Gw's Burnished gold
Step 6: tracks are not painted after step 2 instead do the following
Completed models
tracks |
Step 6-1: Do a wash of Gw's devilan mud and then badab black
Basing of models and iconography for shoulders and tanks will be done once I figure out how to make the decals.
More later on