Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kid Gaming: Mobile Frame Zero edition.

I found another great source for Lego related kid gaming, Mobile Frame Zero. This one is a rule set for Lego based robot combat.  Overall, the rules are mostly straight forward but with the different types of customization it makes it a bit to complicated for young kinds. I tried parts of it with my 4 year old, mainly the different dice colors for different things and it was too difficult for him as I expected.
Used without permission from the Mobile Frame Zero website all rights reserved to them
So I would rate this rule set best for probably 8 or 9+. The rules for movement and such are straight forward and easy enough I think for them. The great thing is the rule set is free and includes some instructions for making a few different robots out of legos. However, you don’t have to use the robots they give you. There are quite a few other designs on the forums and all over the net that can help those of you who don’t have the skill to create off the top of your head. For me I particularly like how you can customize the equipment on different robots so you can fulfill different roles. Another interesting aspect of this game much like brick wars is that the terrain rules are not only simple but most terrain is destructible, with a few exceptions.

So check it out here and please remember to donate to it if possible even though the rules are free.


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