Saturday, September 14, 2013

2500pt SM codex list initial idea

Now even though I am a bit disappointed by the SM codex I decided to come up with a list to try out if I ever get the chance. Now as a note this is with the models that I currently own.

jump pack
plasma pistol
melta bombs
teleport homer
digital weapons

terminator armor
digital weapons

+5 extra men
plasma gun x2
Storm bolter x8
power weapon
melta bombs
extra armor
storm bolter

Terminator squad
+5 extra men
Assault cannon
cyclone missile launcher


Tactical squad
+5 men
Heavy bolter
veteran sergeant
melta bombs
teleport homer
lascanoon- twin plasma
extra armor
storm bolter

Tactical squad
+5 men
Heavy bolter
veteran sergeant
melta bombs
teleport homer
lascanoon- twin plasma
extra armor
storm bolter

Tactical squad
veteran sergeant

assault squad
+5 men
plasma pistol x3
veteran sergeant
melta bombs
power weapon


Devestator squad
Plasma cannon x4
veteran sergeant
storm bolter

Devestator squad
lascannon x4
veteran sergeant
storm bolter

Devestator squad
Missile launcher x4
flakk missiles x4
veteran sergeant
storm bolter

Total 2452pts

The basic idea is to have the to 10 man tac squads combat squad and go forward in the razorbacks.Along with the chaplain and assault squad. The rest provide cover fire and advance as needed.
The terminator chaplain and termies then DS on the teleport homers or in enemy back field. The army of course would use the iron hands chapter traits. The debate I have been having with myself is what to do with the last of the points. I have been thinking of adding some chainfists or something to the termies.
But no idea really. I would be interested to see how this performs if I somehow get the chance sometime soon.

More painting and such next week.


  1. May I ask why the storm bolters for the sternguard? And for 50 points... take a land speeder or something: an annoying unit can be a great asset, as no one wants to devote firepower to it, but it will cause some damage, or be taken out with firepower that could be used elsewhere. They have a name for them in WFB, but I can't remember it!

  2. Honestly just like the SB and if I remember they can use the special ammo too. As for land speeders, part of this is the fact that this list was made only with the models I have. In general I own very few vehicles just cause I don't like them. Main thing I think I really need to buy at the moment is more tac marines because I would love more troops in this list and maybe a dread or two. Now if they can't use the special ammo I will prob just switch it back. But don't have codex with me to check.
