So what did I get done this week. Not a lot by a straight look at the desk but enough to make me happy and to make it so with a few hours of hard work I can easily finish off the rest.
First there are the two heavy gun drones, they just need a
bit of touch up work and then I will call them finished.
Then I have my two missile based broadsides. They are in the
same situation, just a bit more touch up and they will be done as well.
As for the two railgun based broadsides they need more work
before touch up but are getting there, same with my 4 crisis suits. All in all
I plan on having all these guys finished off hopefully next weekend, at max the
end of the month.

I have also started working on tweaking my earth shaker
carriage design it is almost complete. It mainly needs some extra bits for
detail and to finish off the back part that stops it from going backwards when
it fires.
The plan for after the crisis suits it to do the 6th
company of my epic SM chapter and maybe a few more detachments while also
working on the 1st earth shaker and others in the future. I do need
to order some bits to make it work right in the long run but for now it’s ok. I
have also decided to pick up some legit thudguns
and such in the future. I thought about scratch building them but don’t think I
can pull it off half as well. They also aren’t as crazy priced as the earth
If you hadn’t guessed I am planning on a DKOK artillery/engineer
party as an ally for SM and tau. Though, I will not be using most of the actual
models. For some reason I don’t like most of them. They look strange proportion
wise for some reason. I will probably pick up a commissar and a few other cool
looking models from the range but in general the basic guys will be made up of
various warzone models. I am basing most of the force off of the starter bag of
models from the old second edition box. The trenchers are going to be most of
the crew for artillery and such and the bhaus will be my engineers, I just need
to work out some options for the mole launcher really.
I have also decided to sell off my PHR, I am not going to
use them so I would prefer if they go to a good home. The immortals are glued
to their bases and I have done a little bit of cleaning up on the models but
otherwise they are unassembled. I will only part with them as a set. So if you
interested drop me a line. The other stuff is also still up for grabs just
because I haven’t had a chance to post it. I will be doing that soon enough
though. I also have a rather good size lot of extra epic stuff I will be
getting rid of.
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