Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blog roll and plans

My blog roll has been getting thinned out as many of the blogs I used to follow have been inactive for a very long period of time. So I am looking for new blogs to follow. If you think I would like your blog let me know so I can check them out.

As for plans I want to finish off the 1st, 2nd and 8th company detachments. Then my epic sm force will be complete.
After that I am unsure. I am thinking of working on the Tau more but I am also considering my 28mm marines.
In the smaller scales I also have a few space ships, boats, prussian naps and dropzone commander stuff to paint.
I am already thinking of next years goals and scoring. I think I am just going to take the scoring system from Analogue Hobbies. And the spending model from some challenge website I cant remember.

Anyway thats the general plan at the moment. Input is always welcome. I would also love to get more bloggers on the idea of painting together much like Sofia did before she went quiet. The one other announcement is that I will be doing a random box of goodies giveaway. I have a bunch of random stuff from trades and such over the years and would like to get it out and hopefully to people that will paint it. Rules are simple:

1.Comment on the post so I know you want in.
2. Include a link to your blog if you have one.

If you post about the contest on your blog include a link to it, then you will get 2 entries for the contest. This contest will run until Dec 5.

Good luck.


  1. Howdy. Would love to be added to your blogroll :)

    1. Looks like some interesting conversions happening I will have to dig deeper into your blog and look more. Do you want in on the contest?

    2. Btw checked it out, cant wait to see how the fatties turn out and I added you.

  2. I would love to get involved but can only get started on actual painting towards the end of december :)

    1. The painting thing will not really be a formal contest, just more of a hey check out these blogs where they are doing painting. Basically the same idea Dark Sofia used to do with Painting Table Saturday. I am planing on starting it around the new year.

  3. Please stop by my 40k blog and take a look! I'd love to get added into your blog roll.

    I don't think I'll be able to participate in the contest, as I'm going to be knee-deep in FTGT's Hobby Budget Challenge. ( But keep us posted!)

    1. Yeah I saw that challenge. Spending I usually keep under control its painting I gota keep up on. Ill check out your blog when I get a spare moment but on the surface it looks interesting. As for the contest I can understand. As I said above I know I have well over 1000 models to still paint.

    2. Checked out looking good. Added you on and commented on one of your posts. Keep up the painting. After double checking now I remember why I didnt do that challenge, I really dont need another 40k force atm hehe.

  4. Love to be added on the blog roll. Always looking for more peoples to follow!

    I can't join any competitions until I finish my ork LVO stuff!

    1. lol actually I kept forgetting to add yours.
